
This artifact provides the jDTAUS PhysicalFileFactory reference implementation. Starting with version 1.5 support has been added for properties to configure behaviour of the implementation when using one of the methods of the PhysicalFileFactory interface taking a Properties instance. The following properties may be specified:

  • org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.readAheadCaching
    The readAheadCaching property is used to enabled or disable the use of a read-ahead caching algorithm. Its expected value is of type Boolean and defaults to Boolean.TRUE, if using one of the methods of the PhysicalFileFactory interface not taking a Properties instance.
  • org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.readAheadCacheSize
    The readAheadCacheSize property is used to specify the size of the read-ahead cache if the read-ahead caching algorithm is enabled. Its expected value is of type Integer. If not given a default value is used.
  • org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.coalescingCaching
    The coalescingCaching property is used to enabled or disable the use of a coalescing caching algorithm. Its expected value is of type Boolean and defaults to Boolean.TRUE, if using one of the methods of the PhysicalFileFactory interface not taking a Properties instance.
  • org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.coalescingBlockSize
    The coalescingBlockSize property is used to specify the block size of the coalescing cache if the coalescing caching algorithm is enabled. Its expected value is of type Integer. If not given a default value is used.
  • org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.spaceCharactersAllowed.Field
    The spaceCharactersAllowed property is used to specify numeric fields for which space characters are to be allowed. It is used as a prefix with the hexadecimal field constant appended. Its expected value is of type Boolean. By default no space characters are allowed for any numeric field. To enable support for space characters for e.g. field 10 of an A record (A10) a property with name org.jdtaus.banking.dtaus.ri.zka.DefaultPhysicalFileFactory.spaceCharactersAllowed.A10 needs to be specified with a value equal to Boolean.TRUE. This will lead to space characters getting converted to zero digits if occuring in field A10.